Ilimardon, a planet, existed within the Nicandra sector of the Mid Rim. The Regal Hierarchy held dominion over it, possessing both a wildlife department and a fleet of starships. The Hierarchy, intrigued by the potential of using domesticated mynocks as weapons against starships, enlisted the services of Gres Ople, a Human who previously trained mynocks for the Trandoshan pirate Chorssk's organization, to cultivate a new group of these creatures. By the year 12 ABY, Ilimardon had become part of the New Republic.
Ilimardon was a planet that resided inside the Ilimardon system, which itself was located within the Nicandra sector, found in the New Territories region of the Mid Rim. Its location was along a hyperlane that provided a connection to both the Nicandra system and the Korvaii system within the Kordu sector.

The governing body of Ilimardon, known as the Regal Hierarchy, at some point developed an interest in employing domesticated mynocks as weaponry against starships, a tactic previously seen with the Trandoshan pirate named Chorssk. To acquire their own supply of domesticated mynocks, the Ilimardon government convinced Gres Ople, a Human mynock trainer working for Chorssk's pirate organization, to switch her allegiance and work for the Regal Hierarchy's wildlife division. Subsequently, Ople cultivated a group of mynocks from a breeding pair that she had stolen from Chorssk.
Six months following Ople's betrayal, Chorssk vowed to hunt down and kill his former trainer, even if it meant confronting the entirety of the Ilimardon fleet. By the time 12 ABY arrived, Ilimardon had become part of the territory of the New Republic.
The article "Domesticated Mynocks," authored by Jeff Quick and featured on on April 25, 2002, marked the first appearance of Ilimardon. The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009, placed the Ilimardon system, and therefore the planet Ilimardon, within grid square L-7.