Nicandra sector

The Nicandra sector, situated in the Mid Rim, was a designated sector that included the Ilimardon, Melus, Nicandra, Octavia, and Yde systems. By the year 12 ABY, it had become integrated into the New Republic. During that year, the New Republic's fleet carrier, the Endurance, journeyed through this sector to fight against the forces of the Imperial Remnant.


This sector known as Nicandra, was a part of the New Territories area within the Mid Rim. As of 0 ABY, it shared borders with the Shiwal sector in the Coreward direction, the Bright Jewel sector spinward, the Kordu and M'shinni sectors towards the Rimward direction, and the Hollan sector in the trailing direction.

The Nicandra, Octavia, and Yde systems were found in the westernmost area of the Nicandra sector, while the Ilimardon and Melus systems were located more towards the east. A hyperlane connected the sector to the Hollan and Kordu sectors by passing through the Ilimardon and Nicandra systems. A separate hyperspace route, which ran through the Hollan and M'shinni sectors, also went through the Nicandra system.


In the year 12 ABY, the Nicandra sector was under the jurisdiction of the New Republic. During that year, the New Republic dispatched the fleet carrier Endurance to engage in combat against the forces of the Imperial Remnant. To achieve this, the Endurance traveled from the Mapuzo system in the Hollan sector to the Korvaii system within the Kordu sector, traversing through the Nicandra sector along its route.


The Yde system contained the astronomical object also called Yde, while the Octavia system was the place of origin for the Octavian fruit pudding. The Melus system shares its designation with the Melusi Uprising conflict from 900 BBY, and the Nicandra system lent its name to both the Nicandra Plaza and the Nicandra Counterrevolutionary Signalmen's Memorial Building, both of which are located on the planet Coruscant in the Core Worlds. The planet Ilimardon, governed by the Regal Hierarchy and possessing a fleet of starships, was located in the Ilimardon system.

Behind the scenes

The Nicandra sector first appeared in the Online Companion for the 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. In 2012, Modi created a map of the sector, which was then featured in the Online Companion segment titled "Essential Atlas Extra: Sectors of the Mid Rim."


  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link) (First mentioned)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Notes and references
