The Yde system, a star system, was situated inside the Nicandra sector, which itself was a part of the Mid Rim.
Desultori, the home world of the renowned author, scholar, and inventor Aanxi Raanxi Laanxi, was located in the Yde system. Also found there was the University of Desultori, where Laanxi presided over four subcommittees dedicated to creative procrastinating.

The initial mention of the Yde system occurred in "The Seminar Participants," a section written by Bob Carrau for the 1993 publication Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas, which features concept art and photographs from various projects by George Lucas. This mention was part of an entry for Aanxi Raanxi Laanxi. Leland Chee, an employee of Lucasfilm who curates the Holocron continuity database, has stated that the information in the book is considered non-canonical. The entry regarding Laanxi did not specify the nature of Yde, only indicating that it contained Desultori, another location that was not clearly defined.
Yde was later identified as a star system sixteen years later, appearing in The Essential Atlas, a third-generation Essential Guide authored by Jason Fry and [Daniel Wallace],(/article/daniel_wallace) published by Del Rey in August of 2009. The book situated the system within the Mid Rim, specifically within the Nicandra sector. Subsequently, the Yde system was incorporated into Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion, a series of web-based articles designed as a dynamic companion to The Essential Atlas.