Imperial Encampment

During the Galactic Civil War period, a significant Galactic Empire facility, referred to as the Imperial Military Base or the Imperial Encampment, existed on Rori, a moon characterized by swamps and orbiting Naboo.


The Imperial Encampment, a well-defended Imperial installation, was situated a distance to the south of the city known as Narmle. The base was composed of a sizable central building, a series of three smaller outposts, and numerous observation towers. The garrison consisted of a number of All Terrain Scout Transports, in addition to a large contingent of stormtroopers and Imperial officers. The base was also staffed by specialized troopers, including stormtrooper snipers and dark troopers.


Dark troopers securing the Imperial Encampment's main building.

Following the [Battle of Yavin](/article/battle_of_yavin-legends], a major stationed in Narmle, serving the Empire, attempted to deceive members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic into visiting the military base under the guise of peace talks. However, the major had secretly ordered the stormtroopers to open fire and kill any visitors who arrived.

By 1 ABY, the Imperial Encampment had evolved into a fiercely contested area during the Galactic Civil War, with Imperial and Rebel forces engaging in multiple battles for control of the installation. While Rebel forces managed to seize the base on several occasions, Imperial forces consistently managed to retake it. Around this same time, a spacer was successful in infiltrating the Imperial Encampment and making off with a piece of stormtrooper armor.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial Encampment featured as a location within Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, the massively multiplayer online roleplaying game from 2003, prior to the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. Players exploring the encampment were rewarded with an exploration badge. The "Publish 1" update, released on August 3, 2003, transformed the Imperial Encampment into a "Factional NPC Base," enabling Rebel player groups to attack Imperial NPCs and fulfill objectives to gain control of the base.

