Imperial factory workers on Lothal
During the time known as the Age of the Empire, the Empire of the Galaxy made use of a great number of factory workers to run its manufacturing plants and weapon-production facilities. A lot of these workers were forced into this work, while others took the jobs because they needed the money. Those working at the Imperial Armory Complex factories on the planet Lothal were known to wear distinctive bright orange coveralls. Some also used protective helmets and masks with filters. One such worker was Morad Sumar, formerly a farmer, who was part of the Lothal resistance group led by Ryder Azadi. Morad intentionally damaged the vehicles being built for the Imperial Military. In the year 2 BBY, the rebels named Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus went undercover as factory employees to steal the plans of Grand Admiral Thrawn for the TIE Defender project.