Imperial Information Center

The Imperial Information Center, situated far below the surface of Coruscant within the Imperial Palace complex, functioned as a key facility. Initially serving the Palace of the Republic, it was later utilized by both the Galactic Empire and subsequently the New Republic.


The Information Center, constructed deep within the bedrock of Coruscant underneath the Palace of the Republic, acted as a repository for classified government documents. This complemented the data towers extending from the Palace's upper reaches. A workforce of human technicians and droids managed the Center, processing countless reports spanning political, military, and economic domains. Those employed there underwent loyalty conditioning and mind probes. The elite Imperial Guards provided security. With the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Center expanded its holdings to include encrypted military files, alongside historical data like surface weather reports and even Emperor Palpatine's daily dinner choices. Despite its robust defenses, breaches were possible. Durga, a Hutt, contracted a slicer to infiltrate the Center's databanks, extracting data crucial for the completion of the Darksaber Project.

Following the New Republic's victory over the Empire during the liberation of Coruscant, they seized the Palace and maintained the Information Center. Its value lay in the critical data it held regarding planets within the former Empire, as well as its utility for intelligence operations. During the New Republic's control of the Palace, the Historical Council made use of the Center's files to produce The Essential Chronology.

