The Imperial loader shuttle represented a specialized modification of the Sentinel-class landing craft, employed extensively by the forces of the Galactic Empire.

The Imperial loader underwent modification to incorporate unique containers designed for the transport of AT-STs and other smaller combat vehicles like AT-PTs. As an alternative to AT-ST carriage, these Imperial loader shuttles were also capable of transporting stormtroopers, scout troopers, and speeder bikes. The container's assault ramp was located on the side, while the landing ramp was positioned beneath the cockpit. The loader shuttle's primary function was to transport and deploy these ground-based units onto active battlefields.
The shuttle possessed the capability to set down its containers directly onto the ground, as well as release them aerially. When nearing its designated target zone, the shuttle would retract its wings upwards, disengage its claws to release the container, subsequently retract its claws back beneath the craft, reposition its wings into flight configuration, and then depart the combat zone. A network of maneuvering jets was integrated throughout the vehicle's structure.
Offensively, the loader shuttle was equipped with a minimum of eight forward-facing retractable laser cannons, a concussion missile launcher, a retractable ion cannon situated on its neck, and a pair of repeating blasters flanking the cockpit.

Loader shuttles saw action across numerous engagements, notably including the Empire's invasion of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth. Given their limited self-defense capabilities against Rebel starfighters, Imperial loader shuttles were typically accompanied into battle by a protective escort of two TIE/LN starfighters each.
Loader shuttles make appearances in the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron video game series. The loader shuttles are featured within an alternate historical scenario depicting the Evacuation of Yavin, where the player assumes the role of Darth Vader and is tasked with destroying Rebel transports at the Yavin base. It's noteworthy that their cargo modules are adorned with the emblem of the Galactic Republic, rather than that of the Galactic Empire, despite the shuttles exclusively appearing in contexts set during or after 0 ABY.