An Imperial mining installation existed on Dreighton throughout the time of the Galactic Civil War, potentially for the extraction of Stygium.
After the Battle of Hoth, the Galactic Empire utilized this installation for mining activities. It was constructed above intricate subterranean passages that extended several miles into the planet. A group of TIE Fighters together with TIE Phantoms provided planetary defense.
During the battle in the Dreighton system, local Imperial units brought the captured Rebel YT-1300 light freighter Corellia Star to the installation. Following his ejection from his starfighter, the Rebel pilot known as Rookie One was left on the planet after Kirby was killed. Employing his portable scanner, he located the freighter at the base. He engaged in combat to reach the hangar where the ship was located. His portable scanner then alerted the stormtroopers guarding the ship to his location. He eliminated the first stormtrooper, and the second stormtrooper fired, missing him and hitting the wall behind him, before also being killed. Rookie One then boarded the ship. After commandeering the vessel, he piloted it into the subterranean tunnels and escaped to the surface through an exhaust vent.