Imperial patrol speeder (repulsortank)

The Imperial patrol speeder represented a type of repulsortank utilized by the Galactic Empire during the era of the Galactic Civil War. A chance encounter occurred between one of these vehicles and Luke Skywalker accompanied by an Obi-Wan Kenobi impersonator as they made their way to the Iron Tower situated on the planet Aridus.


The Imperial patrol speeder, a form of repulsortank, featured a laser cannon mounted on a turret, along with eight ball-mounted blaster cannons. These blaster cannons were arranged with two facing forward and three positioned on each side of the vehicle, managed by a gun crew. The primary vulnerability of the patrol speeder's was its main thruster; damage to this component would render the repulsortank unmanageable. Furthermore, destruction of its power cells would result in the vehicle's explosion.


Chubbit rebels attack an Imperial patrol speeder

Patrol and defensive duties were the purpose of the Imperial patrol speeder.


Throughout the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire deployed Imperial patrol speeders to safeguard the Iron Tower located on the planet Aridus. In the year 0 ABY, one such vehicle detected and attacked Luke Skywalker and an Imperial impersonating Obi-Wan Kenobi as they approached the Iron Tower. Several Chubbit rebels inflicted damage to its main thruster, but its gunners retained the ability to operate its weapons. Subsequently, the imposter managed to obliterate the Imperial patrol speeder by making contact between his lightsaber and its power cells.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial patrol speeder was initially conceived for the Star Wars Legends newspaper comic strip titled The Return of Ben Kenobi, penned by Archie Goodwin and illustrated by Al Williamson. This strip was published from May 17 to July 25, 1982.

