Imperial Research Ship

The Imperial Research Ship served the Empire as a vessel in its experimental TIE starfighter initiative, presumably playing a role in the creation of new designs through research and development. It is assumed that the ship's eight hangars contained a substantial quantity of experimental prototypes, although the precise quantity remains unconfirmed.

Despite lacking offensive weaponry, the ship possessed significant defenses, including shields comparable in strength to those of a Strike-class medium cruiser and exceptionally robust armor plating. Control towers were situated on both its upper (dorsal) and lower (ventral) surfaces, each featuring extensive communication systems. Powered by a single primary sublight engine, its acceleration was on par with a Victory I-class Star Destroyer. Subsequent intelligence reports indicated that Sienar Fleet Systems was its manufacturer. While it could not evade the Rebel assault, it was reportedly equipped with a hyperdrive system.

The Rebel Alliance encountered only a single vessel of this type, the Sardis, during their successful mission to eliminate the Obsidian research facility. The research ship was identified as a high-priority target and did not exhibit any defensive capabilities when a squadron of B-wings, commanded by Ace Azzameen, obliterated both it and the station, thereby concluding the program.

