A standardized outfit was utilized by scientists participating in ventures overseen by Imperial Military authorities both during and after the Galactic Empire's rule. This outfit comprised a loose-fitting, white overall, complemented by an aqua-colored yoke and black stripes highlighting the shoulder's upper edge. These antiseptic overalls were designed to prevent contamination in laboratory settings and were paired with white boots engineered to dissipate potentially hazardous static electricity. The aqua-colored upper portion of the tunic was designed to change shades when exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. The Imperial crest was displayed in black on the left shoulder.
Variations in the standard uniform existed depending on the specific project to which the wearer was assigned. For example, the kyber crystal research team stationed at the Tarkin Initiative base located on Eadu donned a version of the uniform that featured the Tarkin Initiative's insignia in black, positioned over the left breast and on the back of the right shoulder. Conversely, scientists collaborating with Moff Gideon's dark trooper program wore the coveralls adorned with the emblem of the Imperial Department of Military Research.
A similar one-piece suit was worn by at least one Imperial nurse aboard the Death Star. It displayed an unidentified symbol on the chest area but lacked any insignia on the shoulders. The nurse wore a blue shirt underneath her uniform.
During the era of the New Republic, a comparable uniform was worn by medical assistants working within the Re-Integration Institute. This version featured a darker blue yoke and displayed the red sigil on the left shoulder.
This particular uniform made its debut appearance in the 2016 motion picture Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and was subsequently featured in Chapter 12: The Siege of The Mandalorian, which was broadcast on November 20, 2020.
The symbol observed on the coveralls worn by Gideon's scientists mirrors the insignia utilized by the Imperial Department of Military Research in Star Wars Legends. Consequently, it is generally accepted that the symbol represents the same entity within Canon.