Incident above Coruscant

StarTours-Coruscant A view of the battle from inside the StarSpeeder 1000 A year prior to the Battle of Yavin, a certain event unfolded in the skies above Coruscant, the capital world of the Galactic Empire. In this space, two opposing forces clashed: one mainly consisting of Venator-class Star Destroyers and ARC fighters, and the other comprised of vessels and battle droids that formerly belonged to the now-defunct Confederacy of Independent Systems. A Star Tours StarSpeeder 1000 inadvertently became caught up in this conflict while attempting to securely transport a Rebel spy to a Rebel Alliance cell situated on Coruscant. Despite one of the combatant ships being destroyed and plummeting through the atmosphere, the planet's urbanized surface remained unscathed by the aerial engagement.

Production Notes

This mission draws inspiration from a segment featured in the Star Tours: The Adventures Continue attraction, which showcases the StarSpeeder 1000 ST-1401. Given the ride's structure, the Coruscant incident is presented in a randomized order, invariably appearing as the ride's concluding segment. Largely due to the ride's unpredictable nature, the flight number of the StarSpeeder 1000 is intentionally omitted from this discussion.

The scenario leaves room for interpretation regarding the involvement of the Imperials and the Rebels in the conflict, which fleet each faction was employing, and even the authenticity of the battle itself. The space battle bore resemblance to the Battle of Coruscant from the Clone Wars as depicted in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, suggesting it was conceived as a deliberate tribute.

