Star Tours Flight 1401

Star Tours Pre-show hangar The Star Tours Flight 1401 is being prepared for its upcoming journey. Star Tours Flight 1401 was the designation given to a specific flight operated by the Star Tours travel agency. This particular flight was scheduled to travel from Spaceport THX1138 with its final destination being Coruscant, and it carried passengers that included a Rebel spy. Before the spacecraft could leave the spaceport, Imperial forces uncovered the spy among the passengers and tried to take the Rebel into custody. The ship managed to launch and had to fight its way through Imperial spacecraft that were surrounding the space station. After a high-speed chase through hyperspace, the StarSpeeder 1000 successfully landed and ensured the spy reached a safe location.

Initially, the designated pilot for the flight was the AC series pilot droid known as AC-38. However, a last-minute error led to the protocol droid C-3PO taking over the controls and piloting the spacecraft instead.

Behind the scenes

During the Star Tours: The Adventures Continue attraction, the destinations for this flight were randomly selected from a set of possible locations. These destinations included Coruscant, Geonosis, Hoth, Kashyyyk, Naboo, and Tatooine. Additionally, the manner in which the spy's presence was discovered and the way the ship escaped the space station were also chosen randomly from a pair of different scenarios. More information about the possible segments can be found in the ride's main article.

The flight number, 1401, is a direct reference to the street address of Walt Disney Imagineering, which is located at 1401 Flower St. in Glendale, California (zip code 91201).

