The IR-9X Replicator Droid represented a type of battle droid of humanoid design. These droids were deployed by the Shroud, a spy operating independently during the time of the Galactic War. A key feature of the IR-9X Replicators was their ability to project complex holograms around themselves, making their disguises very convincing. Several units were kept at the Shroud's manufacturing facility located on the moon of Nar Shaddaa.
Within the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, specifically the first Digital Expansion, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, IR-9X Replicator Droids are encountered as adversaries in the concluding macrobinoculars missions. These missions are titled "The Shroud Revealed" for players aligned with the Republic, and "All the Pieces" for those siding with the Imperials. These Replicator Droids are designed to mimic the appearances of significant characters from the specific class storylines of the players involved.