
Within the Army of the Galactic Empire, Irrv held the rank of general and was a male. His ascent to this position was fueled by his unwavering support for Emperor Palpatine's New Order. The Emperor tasked him with bringing the planet Culroon III under Imperial control. Against the recommendations of Junior Lieutenant Maximilian Veers, Irrv opted for a peaceful transition of power, proposing a ceremony with Culroon leader Kloff. Veers' dissent earned him a demerit, confinement to the Imperial base, and the continuation of Irrv's plan.

The ceremony proceeded with Irrv, key Imperial officers, and a legion of stormtroopers in attendance. As Irrv presented Kloff with a Naval sword, Kloff used it to stab his aide, Colonel Jeffers. Thousands of Culroon warriors then emerged from the surrounding trees, launching an attack on the Imperials with the intent of kidnapping the general. Irrv commanded the stormtroopers to form a defensive circle around him. Veers, however, disrupted the Culroon assault by driving an All Terrain Armored Transport onto the ceremonial grounds. Despite this, Irrv threatened Veers with a court-martial, but stormtrooper commander Grath preemptively executed Irrv.


Early career and occupation of Culroon III

Culroon III, which Irrv was ordered to subjugate by Emperor Palpatine

Irrv, a male figure, became a staunch supporter of Emperor Palpatine's New Order as it replaced the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY. This allegiance secured him a significant military rank, leading to his appointment as a general within the Imperial Army of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Sometime between the formation of the Empire and 9 BBY, Palpatine instructed Irrv to bring the planet Culroon III, along with its native species, the Culroon, under Imperial control, employing any methods he deemed appropriate. The general, seeking understanding and cooperation with the Culroon, organized a ceremony with their leader, Kloff, to facilitate a peaceful transfer of power through an exchange of a ceremonial blaster and a Naval sword.

For several weeks, Junior Lieutenant Maximilian Veers oversaw the construction of an Imperial garrison within Kloff's territory. During this time, Veers gained knowledge of the brutal wars that marked the species' past and concluded that they would not willingly surrender. At a staff meeting, Veers voiced his criticism of the planned ceremony, unaware that his superior officer had conceived it, and proposed the use of force to subjugate the Culroon. Irrv dismissed Veers' concerns as stemming from bloodlust instilled by his training at the Imperial Academy and threatened to reassign him to riding a dewback on the desert planet Tatooine if he persisted in his objections.

The failed ceremony

Lieutenant Maximilian Veers (pictured) saved General Irrv during the insurrection on Culroon III.

As punishment for his outspokenness, Irrv issued Veers a demerit and confined him to the garrison for the duration of the Imperial occupation, threatening him with a court-martial for any disobedience. Irrv proceeded with the ceremony, accompanied by the other principal Imperial officers stationed on the planet, including his aide, Colonel Jeffers, and stormtrooper commander Grath, who outranked Irrv. A legion of stormtroopers carrying ceremonial weapons accompanied the officers. Kloff arrived at the ceremony with only a small group of a dozen warriors, while secretly concealing thousands more within the surrounding trees, poised to initiate an insurrection.

When Irrv presented Kloff with the Naval sword, the Culroon calmly used it to stab Jeffers, resulting in his death. This act served as the signal for the hidden Culroon warriors to emerge and attack the Imperials, their primary objective being the capture of Irrv. Irrv ordered the stormtroopers to form a protective circle around him, but their defense was weakened by the Culroon's superior numbers and their warriors' advanced weaponry. The surviving Imperials were rescued by Veers, who, operating an All Terrain Armored Transport from the garrison, drove it towards the ceremony site. Grath rallied the stormtroopers to safety beneath the walker, while the Culroon, realizing their blaster fire was ineffective against it, retreated.

After the Culroon had retreated, Veers confronted Irrv, stating that the general owed him an apology. Irrv, visibly angered, began to threaten Veers with a court-martial, but before he could complete his sentence, Grath fatally shot him. The stormtrooper commander then stepped over Irrv's body and promoted Veers to the rank of major in recognition of his actions.

Personality and traits

Irrv's unwavering loyalty to the New Order guaranteed him a position of authority, though he lacked the necessary skills for the role. Despite Palpatine's authorization to use any means necessary to claim the planet, Irrv sought to understand and cooperate with the Culroon. Veers found Irrv's command irritating, viewing him as an "old school" officer and a fool. Irrv reacted strongly when Veers criticized his ideas at a staff meeting, threatening the junior lieutenant with reassignment. During the attack, Irrv prioritized his own safety, ordering the stormtroopers to form a protective circle around him. Even after Veers saved Irrv and the other Imperials from the Culroon, the general was prepared to court-martial Veers until Grath intervened with lethal force.


During the ceremony on Culroon III, General Irrv and the other officers wore Imperial dress uniforms.

Behind the scenes

General Irrv made his first appearance in the short story "The Promotion of Lieutenant Veers," featured in West End Games' 1987 The Star Wars Sourcebook, authored by Bill Slavicsek and Curtis Smith. The thirty-first issue of De Agostini's The Official Star Wars Fact File magazine, released on July 31, 2002, stated that during the ceremony on Culroon III, Kloff was supposed to present the Naval sword to Irrv in exchange for a ceremonial blaster. However, in "The Promotion of Lieutenant Veers," Irrv hands the Naval sword to Kloff. This inconsistency was repeated in the fourteenth issue of the revised run of The Official Star Wars Fact File, published on April 9, 2014. This article adheres to the events as described in the short story.

