IT-O9, a spherical interrogation droid with a black and silver color scheme, was in the possession of Riboga, a Hutt. The droid was frequently seen floating in the vicinity of the crime lord when he received visitors. Riboga divested himself of numerous items, including IT-O9, upon his departure from the Cularin system.

The SoroSuub Corporation ultimately acquired the droid and repurposed it within their Edic Bar establishments. Lacking a requirement for an interrogation droid, they reconfigured it to serve as a quality assurance inspector. The droid's intimidating presence motivated employees, and even though its audible communication was limited to beeping sounds, its threatening hovering was typically sufficient to convey its dissatisfaction.

Behind the scenes

Based on its designation and characteristics, IT-O9 appears to be a droid of the IT-O series, which were purportedly created by the Imperial Security Bureau. Its tenure with Riboga occurred prior to 53 BBY, many years before the establishment of the Galactic Empire.


  • Living Force Campaign Guide (First mentioned)
