It Takes a Thief

The story "It Takes a Thief" is found within Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 6. Saesee Tiin and Na-Jia are characters in the narrative.

Plot summary

In this tale, Saesee Tiin, a Jedi Master, finds himself in a tavern on the icy planet Diado. Birok, the local crime boss, mocks him for being new to the area. Tiin demonstrates his power by publicly shaming Birok. Following this, a girl named Na-Jia approaches Tiin and promptly steals his lightsaber. Tiin demands the return of his weapon, gives her 600 credits, and proceeds down the street. Almost immediately, he is surrounded by Separatist droids. Despite his skillful combat, a droid manages to approach the Jedi from behind. Na-Jia makes a surprising return, shooting the droid in the back and saving him. Subsequently, Tiin is captured by a rope thrown from Birok's speeder and dragged through the town. The gang leader, underestimating the power of a lightsaber, is shocked when his "captive" breaks free and defeats his men. However, more droid reinforcements arrive, leading to the capture of both Tiin and Na-Jia. Separatist officers, suspecting Na-Jia of being a Republic spy, take her away for interrogation. Na-Jia feigns a fainting spell, falling onto an officer holding Tiin's lightsaber, and successfully grabs it. Armed with the weapon, the pair manages to escape and commandeer a starfighter. Tiin uses the starfighter to create a diversion, allowing Na-Jia to escape. He then destroys the balcony where Birok and his Separatist allies are observing the events, before turning his fire on the station's power core. With his objective achieved, the Jedi returns home, smiling as he sees a purple-haired figure waving to him from the snowy landscape.
