Jae Walker

Jae Walker held the position of director for the Living Force campaign for a duration of four years, commencing with its inception in 2000 and continuing through 2003. During her tenure, she authored a significant number of adventures, served as editor for many others, managed Living Force events at various conventions, and generally oversaw the campaign's organization.

Star Wars bibliography

Living Force adventures

Living Force articles

  • "Transmissions: February 2002" found on Wizards.com (the content is now out of date; backup link available)
  • "Transmissions: March 2002" found on Wizards.com (the content is now out of date; backup link available)
  • "Transmissions: May 2002" found on Wizards.com (the content is now out of date; backup link available)
  • "Transmissions: July 2002" found on Wizards.com (the content is now out of date; backup link available)
  • "Transmissions: August 2002" found on Wizards.com (the content is now out of date; backup link available)

Notes and references
