Jari'kyn was a fashion designer of the Twi'lek species, and of female gender, who was in the employ of Vanar.
Jari'kyn participated in the dress design project for the wedding of Mara Jade; however, Vanar grew to despise her design work, as his design philosophy was based on the idea that "minimal is maximal." Vanar mocked Jari'kyn's designs, and subsequently fired her from his business, which caused Jari'kyn to experience an emotional collapse. Eventually, Mara Jade happened upon Jari'kyn, after having rejected the dress that Vanar deemed appropriate.

Upon reviewing Jari'kyn's designs, Mara immediately offered her the position of head designer for her wedding dress. Jari'kyn was ecstatic and immediately began working to complete the wedding dress. However, while Mara was present for a fitting, they were assaulted by Chik Apla of the royal guard. Jari'kyn immediately contacted security, but Mara was able to subdue the attacker before they arrived. The remainder of the design process proceeded smoothly, and Jari'kyn made preparations to present the dress to Mara just before the wedding ceremony.
However, as Jari'kyn prepared to leave, Imperials under the command of Moff Derran Takkar planned to steal the dress and murder Jari'kyn. Fortunately for the Twi'lek designer, one of the Imperials, unable to murder an innocent bystander, betrayed his commander. Due to this distraction, the rogue Imperial, Banner Sumptor, and Jari'kyn were able to subdue the remaining Imperials and secure the dress. Sumpter and Jari'kyn then delivered the dress directly to Mara, just in time for her wedding.