Jedi Prisoner

This Jedi prisoner, a Human male who followed the ways of the Jedi, assisted the Rebellion during the Galactic Civil War.


This Jedi was among the few who managed to survive the infamous Order 66. However, following the Battle of Yavin, the Galactic Empire captured and imprisoned him.

In the year 1 ABY, during the celebrations of Empire Day, he was being held at Outpost GRF-7493 on Yavin 4. His captors included Lord Vader, an Imperial commander, and a number of other Imperials. He was kept alive in order to be interrogated for crucial information concerning the Rebellion's activities.

The Imperial commander tasked an Imperial spacer with interrogating the Jedi. Understanding that direct threats would be ineffective, the Imperial employed a different tactic. He deceived the Jedi into believing that he had been sent by Leia to rescue him, and that he was instructed to call off the mission. Gaining the Jedi's trust, the Imperial successfully extracted the information the Empire sought.

Personality and traits

The captured Jedi possessed a strong will and unwavering loyalty to the Rebellion. However, his excessive trust ultimately led to his downfall during the interrogation.

Behind the scenes

An unnamed Jedi prisoner was featured as a non-player character in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game from 2003. The game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. The Jedi prisoner was incorporated into the game with the release of "Publish 19," on June 29, 2005. He was part of a quest named "Happy Empire Day!." and could be found at an outpost on Yavin 4 during the Empire Day live event, which ran from June 29 to July 11, 2005. Imperial players were tasked with interrogating the Jedi to obtain information. The Jedi would only reveal information if the Imperial player tricked him into believing they were a Rebel operative. If the Imperial player was forceful or rude, the Jedi would refuse to speak, preventing the player from completing the quest. The Jedi prisoner did not reappear in the game after the live event concluded, as the Empire Day event was discontinued until it was completely revamped in 2008.

