Jedi Quest 4, the last of the Star Wars: Jedi Quest comic book series, hit shelves on December 12, 2001.
This is the thrilling conclusion to a comic series that connects the stories of Star Wars: Episode I and Episode II! Obi-Wan Kenobi, in disguise, goes undercover at the spice production facilities of the slaver Krayn on Nar Shaddaa to rescue his Padawan. Surrounded by spice processing and terrible labor practices, Anakin makes friends with some of the enslaved people and encourages them to rebel. Anakin is locked up and joins forces with the enigmatic Siri; his only chance to escape depends on whether he can persuade the other slaves to understand that they can overthrow Krayn's control of the spice factories if they stand together. Artwork is by the popular Pop Mhan (SpyBoy)!