"A Jedi of the Past, A Jedi of the Future" marks the fifth installment of the [Star Wars radio drama](link url). Its initial broadcast occurred on [National Public Radio](link url) on a Monday, specifically [March 30](link url), [1981](link url). This episode mirrors scenes from the movie [Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope](link url). [R2-D2](link url) guides [Luke](link url) and [C-3PO](link url) to [Jedi Knight](link url) [Obi-Wan Kenobi](link url), thus completing his assigned task and initiating Luke's journey to becoming a Jedi and joining the [Rebellion](link url).
As dawn breaks, Luke awakens C-3PO, asking for his help in locating R2-D2 before [Uncle Owen](link url) notices his absence. Given that [Luke's skyhopper](link url) sustained damage recently during a race through [Beggar's Canyon](link url), they are compelled to use the [landspeeder](link url). While Threepio operates the vehicle, Luke scans for any trace of Artoo. Luke deduces the droid's trajectory - towards the [Junland Wastes](link url) - based on his knowledge of [Ben Kenobi's](link url) residence and his suspicion that Ben is connected to the "Obi-Wan Kenobi" sought by Artoo.
During their journey, Luke recounts a past encounter with Ben to Threepio. He explains that five seasons prior, he and his companion [Windy](link url) were exploring the wastes on a [dewback](link url). In a canyon, they became separated from their mount and subsequently lost. Ben discovered them and led them back home. However, upon their arrival at the moisture farm, Owen banished Ben, forbidding his return. Luke notes that Owen appeared to be fearful.
They locate Artoo, but before they can re-enter the speeder, [Tusken Raiders](link url) launch an assault on the group. Luke is rendered unconscious before Ben Kenobi appears and repels the attackers by mimicking the sound of a [krayt dragon](link url). Ben then reveals his true identity as Obi-Wan Kenobi. He escorts them to [his dwelling](link url) to gather more information about the droids and to seek refuge from the raiders. While Ben mends Threepio's damages, he shares with Luke details of his prior service as a Jedi alongside [Luke's father](link url). He then presents Luke with [his father's lightsaber](link url), mentioning that he had intended to give it to him many years ago. Luke comes to the realization that Ben has been watching over him for a considerable period. Ben continues by informing Luke of Darth Vader's assassination of his father and his subsequent descent into the [Dark Side](link url) of [the Force](link url).
Artoo then projects [Princess Leia's](link url) [holorecording](link url), in which she pleads with Kenobi to deliver the droids to [Alderaan](link url). Ben requests Luke's assistance on this journey, emphasizing the necessity for him to learn the ways of the Force. Luke, reluctant to abandon his aunt and uncle, proposes to drive him to [Anchorhead](link url) instead. En route, they stumble upon the ruined [sandcrawler](link url) belonging to the [Jawas](link url) who had originally sold Artoo and Threepio. Ben infers that they were murdered by imperial [stormtroopers](link url) in pursuit of the droids, causing Luke to panic, as he recognizes that his aunt and uncle are likely the next targets.
Luke returns from the homestead and conveys the news that it has been destroyed and his aunt and uncle have been killed. He makes the decision to accompany Ben and the droids to Alderaan and embark on his training to become a Jedi.

This episode maintains a close alignment with the corresponding events depicted in the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The most notable addition is Luke's narrative concerning his earlier meeting with Ben during his youth. Initially, he recounts to Threepio an instance where Ben rescued him and his friend Windy in the desert. Subsequently, within the hut, Luke alludes back to this account, and Ben validates that he has been observing Luke's development. The [1999](link url) comic Luke Skywalker's Walkabout later elaborated on this narrative. Certain aspects that Luke recalls from the dispute between Ben and Owen were echoed in the [2022](link url) [canon](link url) TV episode Obi-Wan Kenobi: "[Part I](link url)."