The Millennium Falcon Deal

"The Millennium Falcon Deal," episode six of the radio drama adaptation of Star Wars, debuted on National Public Radio on Monday, April 6, 1981. Mirroring the narrative of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, this installment is set in Mos Eisley, primarily within the Spaceport Cantina, where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker broker the agreement to transport the Millennium Falcon to Alderaan. Concurrently, outside in the city streets, C-3PO and R2-D2 attempt to evade capture by imperial Stormtroopers.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

Luke Skywalker, piloting his landspeeder toward the Mos Eisley spaceport, is overcome with grief for his aunt and uncle. Ben Kenobi assures him that future training in the Force will provide him with mental fortitude to cope with this loss; however, their immediate focus must be on securing passage aboard a starship destined for Alderaan. Luke inquires about Princess Leia's well-being; Ben surmises that she is likely alive but facing imminent capture and interrogation by the Empire.

Upon reaching the city's outskirts, Luke and Ben are taken aback by the substantial presence of imperial Stormtroopers. Ben employs the Force to subtly influence a trooper, enabling them to pass through a checkpoint unhindered. Seeking a mercenary pilot willing to transport them off-world discreetly, they proceed to a seedy cantina situated near the docking bays. Upon reaching the cantina entrance, the bartender cautions that droids are unwelcome within and must remain outside. Ben and Luke instruct the droids to await their return near the speeder and to alert them at the cantina door should any complications arise.

Inside, Ben approaches an individual, inquiring if he is a Corellian spacer. The man confirms his affiliation but explains that he is already committed to another charter and unavailable for hire. However, he suggests that another Corellian, Han Solo, currently facing financial difficulties and seeking employment, might be a suitable candidate. He then introduces Ben to Han's first mate, Chewbacca. As Ben and Chewbacca begin negotiations, Luke becomes embroiled in a confrontation with a pair of outlaws, Sawkee and Roofoo. When they brandish blasters at Luke, Ben intervenes, fatally wounding one and severing the arm of the other. He cautions Luke that a lightsaber should only be used as a last resort.

Meanwhile, See-Threepio and Artoo-Detoo remain outside the cantina. Observing stormtroopers approaching the cantina entrance, they realize they cannot remain in their current location nor alert Luke and Ben; consequently, they seek refuge elsewhere. C-3PO inadvertently collides with an unidentified man who threatens to dismantle them. Subsequently, the pair seeks concealment within a nearby droid lot. The proprietor informs a group of troopers that he has no new droids available. Upon spotting Artoo and Threepio, he expels them from his property.

Ben and Luke are seated in a booth with Han Solo. Han brags of his piloting skills and the unmatched speed of his ship, the Millennium Falcon. They come to an agreement on a price for the journey: two thousand credits upfront, with an additional fifteen thousand credits upon arrival at Alderaan. Han promptly agrees to the terms. With stormtroopers now inside the cantina, Ben and Luke discreetly exit through the back door. Chewbacca departs as well to prepare the ship's equipment. Now alone, Han is confronted by Greedo, an alien enforcer working for Jabba the Hutt and his associate Heater. Jabba demands payment from Han for a shipment of smuggled spice that he jettisoned to evade an imperial inspection. Greedo threatens Han, who responds by shooting and killing Greedo before departing the cantina.


Cantina creature later identified as one of the Tin-Tin Dwarves from "The Millennium Falcon Deal"

This episode incorporates a scene absent from the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, depicting the two droids attempting to evade passing imperial stormtroopers outside the cantina. This subplot is continued in the subsequent episode, "The Han Solo Solution."

Certain individuals and species featured in the Mos Eisley Cantina are assigned names and characteristics that would be contradicted by later Legends content. Luke makes reference to a "Meerian Hammerhead;" the hammerhead alien would later be identified as an Ithorian, while the name Meerian would be applied to a different species. He also mentions a "Stofo Lupinoid:" it remains ambiguous which of the two wolf-like cantina aliens this refers to, as they would later be designated as a Shistavanean and a Defel. The designation Tin-Tin Dwarf would later be associated with a rodent-like creature omitted from the film but appearing alongside Ackmena in a scene from The Star Wars Holiday Special. The 2001 Essential Guide to Alien Species officially named this species Tintinna.

Obi-Wan is introduced to Chewbacca through a character identified solely as "a Corellian spacer." Their brief exchange was visually depicted in the film, but without audible dialogue; in the radio episode, it serves to provide exposition regarding Chewbacca, Solo, and the Millennium Falcon. In the 1995 short story "At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale," this character would be named BoShek and given a significantly different personality. In the story and subsequent appearances, BoShek is portrayed as a Force-sensitive pilot whose ship has recently crashed. During the exchange with Obi-Wan, each man recognizes the other's Force abilities, and Obi-Wan encourages BoShek to remain aligned with the Light Side. The radio episode provides no indication of this aspect and depicts the spacer as a boastful pilot who declines Obi-Wan's offer due to a prior charter agreement.

During the cantina standoff with the outlaws, the radio episode more closely adheres to the Star Wars novelization than the film. Obi-Wan engages both assailants, severing the arm of Sawkee and bisecting Roofoo. The film only showcases the initial, non-lethal, attack. Both characters would also be given different names - Ponda Baba and Doctor Cornelius Evazan - in the 1991 roleplaying sourcebook Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope. The names Roofoo and Sawkee would later be identified as being among the pair's numerous aliases.

In the episode's concluding scene, Han shot first.


