Jega's Music Hall and Petting Zoo

Jega's Music Hall and Petting Zoo was a business located within Wormstew Town on Nar Shaddaa, the moon. This establishment served as the base of operations for a criminal syndicate called Jega's Squad. Following his loss to the bounty hunter Boba Fett and subsequent separation from his droid partner 4-LOM, the bounty hunter Zuckuss found himself at Jega's Music Hall and Petting Zoo. There, he encountered Trot, a Lurmen criminal, member of Jega's Squad, and someone he knew. Not long after, Doctor Cribiriz Idollax reconstructed 4-LOM and then manipulated the droid to assault Zuckuss on the street just outside the establishment. Jega's Squad provided assistance in the fight against 4-LOM until Zuckuss was able to find and killed Idollax.

