Cribiriz Idollax

During the Imperial Era, Culisetto warlord Cribiriz Idollax, a male also skilled as a droid mechanic, became embroiled in a deadly feud. Deva Lompop dispatched Zuckuss, along with 4-LOM and other bounty hunters, with orders to eliminate Idollax. However, they mistakenly assassinated his brother, Sribiriz. In the aftermath, Idollax retreated into hiding for years, meticulously plotting revenge through the torture of those responsible for his brother's death. He eventually acquired 4-LOM's head and used it to construct a spider-like droid, fundamentally altering the droid's original programming before deploying it against its former partner. Upon discovering that the Culisetto was not only alive but had also brainwashed his friend, Zuckuss ended Idollax's life.


Early life

Cribiriz Idollax, a Culisetto male who was both a warlord and a droid mechanic, operated from a fortified compound on an unidentified [planet](/article/planet], which served as his base of operations. He had a brother, Sribiriz, known for his kindness and selflessness. Despite his affection for his brother, Sribiriz vehemently opposed Idollax's involvement in criminal and violent activities.

Idollax personally designed and built droids to serve as his personal guard and enforcers.

Feud with Zuckuss and 4-LOM

Prior to 9 BBY, Sribiriz informed his brother of his intention to report his illegal actions to the authorities. As a result, Cribiriz resolved to abandon his criminal ways. On that very day, Deva Lompop contracted a team of bounty hunters, including the notorious Zuckuss and 4-LOM, to assassinate the Culisetto warlord, whom she perceived as an emerging threat. Zuckuss and 4-LOM infiltrated Idollax's stronghold and mistakenly identified Sribiriz, fatally shooting him while Cribiriz watched from concealment. Consumed by grief and rage, Doctor Idollax vowed vengeance on his brother's killers and vanished from the awareness of the galaxy.

While in hiding, Idollax dedicated himself to gathering intelligence on the bounty hunter duo. He eventually made contact with Sardis Ramsin, a deserter from the Imperial stormtrooper corps, who, in 3 ABY, delivered 4-LOM's severed head. The head had been recovered by Jawas on Tatooine after Boba Fett had separated it from the droid's body. Idollax then fashioned a massive, spider-like droid, reprogrammed with 4-LOM's head, and dispatched it to hunt down Zuckuss.

On Nar Shaddaa, Zuckuss, along with other bounty hunters, engaged his former partner in combat and ultimately prevailed. During the confrontation, as Kaj, [Trot](/article/trot], Mareesee, and Hormf, the allies of the Gand findsman, battled 4-LOM, Zuckuss detected the presence of his old adversary, Doctor Idollax, who revealed his motivations and scheme. Once the Culisetto mechanic had finished speaking, Zuckuss fatally shot him with his rifle.

