
Jenn was a pilot of starfighters and a commander within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, during the era of the Galactic Civil War. She was a female Human who met her death while on a routine patrol mission in the Dreighton Triangle. A new TIE Phantom starfighter, belonging to the Galactic Empire, ambushed her by using its cloaking device, which resulted in damage to her X-wing and a subsequent collision with the fighter piloted by Ensign Till.


Around 25 BBY, during the twilight years of the Galactic Republic, a female Human named Jenn was born. Sometime before 3 ABY, she enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and became a pilot of starfighters, eventually achieving the rank of commander.

After the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, the Galactic Empire was nearing the end of the development phase for the TIE Phantom, a novel starfighter equipped with a cloaking device that made it undetectable to other vessels. As the project approached completion, the Empire initiated a series of tests within the space region known as the Dreighton Triangle, using reports of inexplicable events in the region since the Battle of Dreighton of the Clone Wars to conceal their activities. Around this time, Jenn was assigned to lead a flight group consisting of three T-65 X-wing starfighters, one of which was piloted by Ensign Till, on a patrol mission in the vicinity of the Dreighton Nebula. Initially, the group's sensors did not register any activity, but Jenn insisted on one final pass before returning to base. Moments later, a TIE Phantom emerged from its cloaked state behind Jenn's X-wing and opened fire, severing the starboard S-foils from the fuselage and disabling her stabilizer. Unable to maintain control of her fighter, Jenn veered to port and collided with Till's X-wing, resulting in the destruction of both fighters and the death of both pilots.

Personality and traits

Jenn was a dedicated officer known for her bravery, intelligence, and a well-developed sense of humor. She shared a close friendship with Till and often playfully teased him. On one instance, Jenn poked fun at Till's apparent apprehension regarding the stories of ghost ships associated with the Dreighton Triangle.

Behind the scenes

Jenn's character was conceived for the 1995 video game Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire, developed by LucasArts. She makes an appearance in the game's opening cutscene. Actress Zachary Barton played the role of Jenn in the game.

Y-wing pilot helmet from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi reused for Jenn

The storyboards and scripts created by Rebel Assault II designer Vincent Lee, dated November 16, 1994, included a concise character sketch of Jenn. Although it was not included in the game or its manual, the biography was adapted for publication on the LucasArts website, and the document was subsequently reprinted in Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts by Rob Smith. The online version depicted Jenn as being in her late twenties during the game's events, while Lee's initial description placed her in her "late twenties to early thirties." Lee also noted the individuals he believed embodied each character in the game, selecting actress Holly Hunter to represent Jenn. An early storyboard of the scene featuring Jenn reveals that her flight group was originally designated "Gamma patrol," but the group remained unnamed in the final version of the game.

Props and costumes originally crafted for the original trilogy of Star Wars films were repurposed during the filming of Rebel Assault II. The flight helmet worn by Jenn was originally designed for a Y-wing pilot in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

