Till, a male Human pilot who flew starfighters, held the rank of ensign within the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Tragically, he perished while on a standard patrol mission in the Dreighton Triangle. His flight group was ambushed by a TIE Phantom utilizing its cloaking device, a new Galactic Empire starfighter. This surprise attack damaged Commander Jenn's X-wing, causing it to collide with Till's fighter, resulting in an explosion that destroyed both ships.
Around 3 ABY, Till, a male Human, became a pilot of starfighters in the service of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, with the rank of ensign. Subsequent to the Battle of Hoth, he was assigned to a routine patrol of the Dreighton Triangle, and had not yet engaged in combat. His flight group consisted of three T-65 X-wing starfighters, under the command of Commander Jenn. The Galactic Empire was secretly conducting tests of the TIE Phantom, a new starfighter equipped with a cloaking device that rendered it invisible to other vessels, using reports of unexplained events in the region since the Battle of Dreighton during the Clone Wars as a cover. After an initial pass revealed nothing, Jenn ordered one final pass before returning to base. However, just seconds later, a TIE Phantom emerged from cloak behind Jenn's X-wing and began firing upon the group. The damage to her stabilizers caused her ship to veer out of control and collide with Till's X-wing. Both fighters were destroyed, and both pilots were killed.
During his time in the Alliance, Till was a young, relatively inexperienced pilot who tended to be quite talkative when under pressure. He formed a strong friendship with Jenn, his commander, who often playfully teased him. When assigned to patrol the Dreighton Nebula, he voiced his worries about the stories of ghost ships in the area to Jenn, expressing his desire to return to base quickly. Till had never been in a combat situation before his final mission, and because of the TIE Phantom's cloaking ability, he was killed without ever seeing the enemy.
Till was a character created for the 1995 video game Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire by LucasArts, where he is seen in the opening cutscene. Michael Aron played the character in the game.

Vincent Lee, a designer on Rebel Assault II, created storyboards and scripts, dated November 16, 1994, that included a short description of Till. While it was not included in the game itself or the manual, this biography was adapted for the LucasArts website. The document was later published in Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts by Rob Smith. The online biography does not specify Till's age, but Lee's original notes indicated that he was in his early twenties. Lee also noted that he envisioned actor Woody Harrelson as the embodiment of Till. Early storyboards show that Till's flight group was originally called "Gamma patrol," but the group was ultimately unnamed in the game.
Props and costumes from the original trilogy of Star Wars films were used during the production of Rebel Assault II. The flight helmet worn by Till, as well as other pilots in the game, was originally made for a Y-wing pilot in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.