Jilst Bindalin, a dark side adept, originated on the planet of Alsakan, his homeworld. By 3 ABY, he had discovered the location of a Killik Sith warrior's tomb situated on Sarafur. After pilfering an artifact, he journeyed to Sarafur. In an act of revenge, Bindalin placed the stolen artifact within the Sith's burial site, and was never seen again after this event.
Jilst Bindalin, a male Force-sensitive individual, existed around the time of 3 ABY. This dark side adept was born on the Core Worlds planet of Alsakan. Bindalin became aware of an ancient legend involving a Killik Sith warrior of Shistavanen descent. This warrior had fled Alsakan and arrived on Sarafur, a world in the Outer Rim Territories, where the Sith ultimately died and was buried.
The Alsakani individual proceeded to find the Killik's tomb and proceeded to steal an artifact. Subsequently, he engaged a Shistavanen captain of a starship to transport both himself and the artifact, which the dark side user kept secured in an iron case, from the Core Worlds to the Moddell sector, the location of Sarafur. Throughout the journey, Bindalin remained silent regarding his intentions in the Moddell sector. The Shistavanen captain left the Alsakani on Sarafur. After this event, the dark side user vanished from the wider galaxy. Bindalin subsequently entered the Killik Sith's tomb and deposited the artifact inside as an act of spiteful revenge.
Around 3 ABY, a party of treasure hunters made their way to Sarafur, seeking the artifacts known as the Tessents. This group explored the Killik Sith warrior's tomb, where they found a skeleton with a vaguely humanoid form, as well as a Sith holocron, submerged in the waters within the tomb.

The character of Jilst Bindalin first appeared in the roleplaying adventure titled "Race for the Tessent." This adventure was intended for use with Star Wars Roleplaying Game, a product of Wizards of the Coast, and was published in the ninth issue of the magazine Star Wars Gamer on February 22, 2002.
Rather than presenting a fixed narrative, "Race for the Tessent" offers various settings in the Moddell sector, including Sarafur, that the player characters might visit as they search for the Tessent artifacts. For each setting, the adventure provides potential scenarios for a Tessent being hidden there. The section dedicated to Sarafur suggests that Bindalin might have stolen the Alsakan Tessent and taken it to the Killik Sith warrior's tomb on the planet. This article operates under the assumption that as much of the non-contradictory information contained in the adventure as can be is considered canonical within the Star Wars Legends continuity, and therefore assumes that the Alsakan Tessent was instead hidden on the planet Ast Kikorie.