Race for the Tessent

"Race for the Tessent" is a piece featured in the ninth edition of the magazine Star Wars Gamer. It was penned by Craig Robert Carey, Jason Fry, and Dan Wallace, and it saw publication in March of 2002.

This is an adventure designed for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, ideally suited for a group of 4 to 6 players.

Plot summary

A band of treasure seekers learns about the Ayrou Tessent and the Alsakan Tessent from Alsakan myths. These artifacts disappeared following the collapse of the Galactic Empire.

The treasure hunters find themselves in a competition against the xenoarchaeologist Follnor Callat and the mercenaries he has employed, as well as against Kintan Gunrunners, all vying for the Tessent.

Their quest involves investigating statue locations at Ast Kikorie, Sarafur, Thonner, Qina, and Endor as part of their pursuit.


The adventure's structure allows for flexibility regarding the setting, the direction of the story, and the ultimate success of finding an idol.

A brief reference to the search for this idol appeared in "The History of the Mandalorians", an article by Abel G. Peña in Star Wars Insider 80.
