Unidentified Killik Sith warrior

A Killik Sith being once made its home on the world of Alsakan well before the year 27,000 BBY. To escape persecution, this individual journeyed to the planet Sarafur, where it took up residence within a structure utilized by an indigenous species for bathing in sulfurous mineral springs. Following the Killik's demise, its dwelling transformed into its final resting place and a location saturated with the dark side of the Force. At one juncture, Jilst Bindalin, an Alsakani dark side user, concealed a pilfered relic within the Sith's tomb, and a band of fortune seekers later explored the site.


A refugee in a doomed city

The Sith warrior was a member of the Killik species (a Killik pictured).

A Force-attuned Killik belonged to a group-minded, insect-like race that originated from the Core World planet of Alderaan. The powerful Celestials relocated the Killiks from their original home, and both races ultimately vanished from the known galaxy by 30,000 BBY. This Force-sensitive Killik made its home on the Core Worlds planet Alsakan at some point far in advance of 27,000 BBY. This Killik followed the Sith ways, a tradition of Force users that began with the Sith species on Korriban in the Outer Rim—a species the Killiks attempted to subjugate around 30,000 BBY.

At an unknown point long before Humans colonized Alsakan, the Killik Sith warrior faced persecution there. It then fled to the Outer Rim planet Sarafur, which once served as a Killik colony. The Sith sought refuge in a settlement belonging to a native race, residing in a structure that the natives used for bathing in sulfurous mineral springs. Eventually, ages before the era of the Galactic Empire, which commenced in 19 BBY, the native species of Sarafur became extinct. Sometime after, the Killik Sith warrior perished, and the structure it occupied became its burial place. The building eventually became buried beneath tons of fallen walls and pillars.


Following the Killik Sith's demise, its tomb became a focal point of the dark side of the Force. Dark side entities came to inhabit the structure, and a dark, sinister presence affected both Force-sensitive and non-Force-sensitive individuals. By the age of the Empire, a legend spoke of a solitary Sith guardian awaiting to unleash its fury upon any who trespassed its dwelling within the ruins of its adopted people. Furthermore, an old Shistavanen story recounted the Killik Sith warrior's escape from Alsakan to Sarafur. The Alsakani dark side user Jilst Bindalin eventually learned of this legend and located the Sith's tomb. After stealing an artifact, Bindalin transported it to Sarafur. He hid it within the Killik's tomb as a form of petty revenge and was never seen again.

Around 3 ABY, a group of treasure hunters arrived on Sarafur, searching for the artifacts known as the Tessents. The group explored the Killik Sith's tomb, discovering a Sith holocron within.

Behind the scenes

The Killik Sith warrior was introduced in the roleplaying adventure "Race for the Tessent."

The Killik Sith warrior first appeared in the roleplaying adventure "Race for the Tessent," published for use with Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game in the ninth edition of the Star Wars Gamer magazine on February 22nd, 2002. The adventure refers to the Sith as an "artisan," but does not explain why that term is placed in quotation marks.

Rather than a fixed storyline, "Race for the Tessent" offers multiple locations in the Moddell sector, including Sarafur, that the player characters can visit while searching for one of the Tessent artifacts. For each location, the adventure suggests possible scenarios for a Tessent being hidden there. The section on Sarafur mentions that Jilst Bindalin could have stolen the Alsakan Tessent and taken it to the Killik Sith warrior's tomb. This article assumes that information presented in the adventure is canonical with respect to the Star Wars Legends continuity unless it contradicts other information. Therefore, it is assumed that the Alsakan Tessent was hidden on Ast Kikorie instead.

Furthermore, "Race for the Tessent" seems to provide conflicting information about when the Killik fled Alsakan. The adventure states that the Sith left the planet long before Humans colonized it, but also that Humans drove the Killik off Alsakan. In accordance with the assumptions outlined above, this article assumes that the latter statement is incorrect and that the Sith's tomb was inhabited by dark side spirits rather than being deserted.

