Jimmor Ison, a cyborg of the female persuasion, was brought into existence by the AI.
Ison insisted on joining the Rebel Commandos when they journeyed to Karlatt with the intention of eliminating the AI. Her motivation stemmed from a desire to face her creator, whom she considered her "father."
The group managed to infiltrate Temple Maudit. The AI subtly guided them, allowing Ison, relying on her instincts, to guide them directly to the AI's stronghold, a massive HoloNet transceiver. Subsequently, the AI unleashed a wave of cyborgs against the Rebels. Simultaneously, it used filaments to invade Ison's system, hoping to seize control of her.
The Rebels possessed a 7,000-year-old secret code, their hope being it would obliterate the AI. Alas, the AI had progressed beyond its initial programming, rendering the code useless. Ison, in an act of self-sacrifice, exploited the filament link to annihilate the AI and herself.
As a result, the AI's fleet's droid crews, who had been enslaved, were liberated. These droids promptly deserted the Karlatt system and established the Artificial Republic. From that moment onward, the Republic revered Ison as a figure of immense heroism.