Karlatt was the original world of the Morses, a technologically advanced species with interstellar capabilities. Situated as the innermost planet within the Karlatt system, it boasted a temperate environment and average rainfall. A local day spanned 19 hours, while a local year consisted of 520 local days. Grand Nord served as the planet's capital city.
Plutocratic families held dominion over the planet. The western continent, largely composed of plains, was the hub for most commercial and industrial activities, while the eastern continent, characterized by its mountains, was dotted with opulent estates belonging to the plutocrats. A remote and enigmatic peninsula lay in the far east, known for its inhospitable nature.
The Morses were compelled to adapt following their subjugation by the xenophobic Galactic Empire. They specialized in two primary exports: diplomatic envoys and business representatives, many of whom were stationed on Coruscant to serve within the government. Their imports consisted of a diverse range of goods, encompassing "a little bit of everything."
Well before the eruption of the Galactic Civil War, the Machinist Theocracy governed the planet. The Machinists had previously terraformed two additional planets within the system, namely Yasla and Ymura. A faction within the Machinists, known as the Koroli Masters, spearheaded the AI Project. Following the project's condemnation, the Machinists sought refuge in Temple Maudit, located on a desolate, sterile peninsula situated on Karlatt's eastern continent.
Subsequently, the liberated Morses proscribed droids. According to the enacted legislation, any droids brought onto the planet would be seized by enforcers known as the Pomak.
During the Galactic Civil War period, a contingent of Rebel operatives unearthed archives dating back 7,000 years. These archives detailed the creation of the AI by scientists like Relaur Kroford, which had subsequently become rogue and indestructible. The archives further identified Relaur Kroford as a native of Karlatt.
The Rebel Alliance fabricated the group's identities, providing them with passports and commercial accreditations, leveraging Karlatt's reputation for diplomacy and trade. Upon arriving at the planetary capital, Grand Nord, the agents transmitted a prearranged code via a standard communicator. In response, a metallic voice instructed them to proceed to the Park of the Fumes to rendezvous with their local Rebel contact, Madame Kanta.
The agents then visited the residence of the plutocrat Maxeil Kroford. He divulged that the sole individual possessing the secrets passed down through generations of Koroli Masters was his brother's son, Linder Kroford, who was incarcerated within the psychiatric penitentiary on Serob 6. Subsequently, the Rebels were ambushed by cyborgs disguised as Maxeil's servants but managed to escape aboard Maxeil's family starship, the Drogon.
The AI then commanded droids to launch attacks on every city across Karlatt. This uprising, reminiscent of a recent incident in the Elektra system, inflicted widespread devastation upon Karlatt.
The agents later returned to the planet accompanied by Jimmor Ison, and infiltrated Temple Maudit, situated on the far-eastern peninsula. There, Ison sacrificed herself, employing a computer virus to eradicate the AI.