
Jodaka, situated within the Corsair Outback region of the Hapes Cluster, was a planet belonging to the Jodaka system. This remote world resided on the Inner Rim of the galaxy. Jodaka's expansive saltwater seas teemed with bizarre and lethal lifeforms, notably the Jodakan needler crab, a treacherous and perilous crustacean non-sentient species. The planet also featured numerous rocky reefs, which served as perches for the Needler crabs. From these reefs, they launched their poisonous projectile needles to hunt gulls, a seabird species also native to Jodaka, or risk becoming prey themselves to the birds. Like most planets in the Hapes Cluster, Jodaka was part of the Hapes Consortium, a hereditary monarchy ruled from its capital planet, Hapes.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Jodaka occurred in Shane Hensley's article, "Glah Ubooki's Strange & Wondrous Imports", published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 1 on February 1, 1994. Later, in 2009, The Essential Atlas placed the planet within grid square 0-9.


Notes and references
