
Jojighar was a Jedi Master of the male persuasion who is known for his dedication to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. His life occurred in the period between the Ruusan Reformation and the Separatist Crisis. The Biscuit Baron food company honored him with a holocube that was included with certain food purchases.


Jojighar, a person Force-sensitive, underwent training in the use of the Force from the Jedi Order, ultimately reaching the position of Jedi Master. Throughout his life, Master Jojighar served admirably, and after his passing, the Biscuit Baron food chain paid tribute to him. They aimed to support the Loyalist faction by providing collectible holocubes of "Heroes of the Republic" when customers ordered their QuickSnack and QuickSnackLite meals. Other potential collectibles included fellow Jedi Ikrit, S'diawae, Yoda, as well as Supreme Chancellors Anwis Eddicus and Vaila Pecivas.

