
Jommillia was a formidable Wookiee warrior situated on Yavin. He adorned himself with a plumed, ornamental helmet and wielded both a battleaxe and a spear as weapons.

When Annikin Starkiller was transported to the Wookiee settlement by Chewbacca, he found himself waking up surrounded by a group of inquisitive aliens. Jommillia perceived the newcomer as an opportunity for combat, which was something the Wookiee found great pleasure in. He put on a display, with the intention of either intimidating or provoking the young Jedi.

Annikin made threats and hurled insults at the Wookiee using various languages, but these were ineffective since they shared no common tongue. Eventually, the Wookiee launched his axe at Annikin, who effortlessly caught it using the Force.

A brief fight broke out, resulting in Jommillia's spear being shattered. Annikin sustained a blow to the head. Before any serious harm could occur, Chewbacca's father, Auzituck, who was the chief of the Kaapauku (or Sawa) tribe, stepped in and halted the conflict, impressed by Annikin's skill.

The fate of Jommillia following this event remains unclear, however, the Wookiee tribe participated in an assault on the Imperial Massassi Outpost and piloted starfighters during the attack on the Death Star.

Behind the scenes

  • A modified version of this confrontation is present in Episode VI , where the Ewoks threaten to sacrifice and consume the heroes. Paralleling the rough draft, a potential threat arising from a primitive tribe hindered by a language barrier is averted at the last moment.

  • The Wookiee elder Merumeru is also depicted wearing a helmet and carrying a spear in Episode III.

