Jorallan opal

Jorallan opal was a kind of valuable opal gem that could be located on the planet Joralla, a Mid Rim world. These Jorallan opals had a value ranging from two thousand to twenty thousand credits for each Coruscant Standard Carat, and they were a sought-after type of loot for pirates. The Galactic Empire's Star Galleon-class frigate called the Emperor's Will, a treasure ship, carried a mythra-chain necklace comprised of twelve Jorallan opals, with a total weight of thirty-six carats, in its cargo around 0 ABY.

The crew of the Rebel Alliance privateer frigate Far Orbit seized the cargo of the Emperor's Will, which included the Jorallan opal necklace, in that same year.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Jorallan opals occurred in Pirates & Privateers, a Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game sourcebook by West End Games written by Timothy S. O'Brien in 1997. Subsequently, they were fully introduced in "The Grand Prize," a roleplaying adventure authored by O'Brien and published in the 1998 book The Far Orbit Project.

