Joshi's role was that of a captain, leading the escort frigate called Provocateur while serving under the command of Warlord Zsinj.
Warlord Zsinj instructed Joshi to proceed to Talasea and link up with the Implacable, Constrictor, and Night Caller to set a trap for the New Republic forces that were tailing Night Caller. Unbeknownst to Zsinj, Wraith Squadron had already seized control of Night Caller and were formulating their own surprise attack against his fleet.
During the hyperspace transit to the Morobe system, Implacable detected the impending ambush and aborted their jump. Lacking the support of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, Night Caller successfully incapacitated both enemy vessels in a swift battle. Joshi perished, along with the entire crew, when a volley of proton torpedoes caused Provocateur to break apart.