Jukkyuk, a Wookiee, belonged to the Path of the Open Hand cult back in 382 BBY. Due to his Wookiee's inherent physical strengths, he served as a guard and retainer for The Herald, who was among the Path's leaders. He observed The Mother, another leader within the Path, release a being known as the Leveler - a member of the Nameless species - against Jedi Master Zallah Macri and her Padawan, Kevmo Zink, whom Jukkyuk previously assisted in escaping a flooded cave. Jukkyuk had relocated to the healing house on Jedha with the Mother by the time the Festival of Balance occurred on Jedha.
Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland included Jukkyuk in their 2022 novel, The High Republic: Path of Deceit.