Jull Dremon

Jull Dremon, a Neimoidian holding the rank of Lieutenant, functioned as the Chief Gunner on the Trade Federation flagship known as the Saak'ak during the Invasion of Naboo. He passed along the instructions of Viceroy Nute Gunray to OWO-3, ordering the destruction of the Radiant VII. He was later moved to the Droid Control Ship called Vuutun Palaa, where he perished when it was destroyed in the Battle of Naboo.


Sil Unch, Tey How, and Jull Dremon seated on the Saak'ak's bridge

In 32 BBY, according to the year system, Lieutenant Jull Dremon was the Chief Gunner stationed on the Trade Federation flagship Saak'ak, a Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter of modified design. Shortly preceding the Invasion of Naboo, he conveyed Viceroy Nute Gunray's command to obliterate the Radiant VII, a Consular-class space cruiser belonging to the Republic Diplomatic Corps, to OWO-3, a gunner who was a battle droid. When the Saak'ak departed the Naboo system, Dremon was reassigned by Gunray to the Droid Control Ship Vuutun Palaa, where Anakin Skywalker killed him by destroying it during the Battle of Naboo.

Personality and traits

Jull Dremon remarked that the red coloring of the Radiant VII only served to make it a more appealing target right before he ordered its destruction. He was a male Neimoidian with mottled gray skin and eyes of a red hue.

Behind the scenes

Originally, Jull Dremon was conceived for The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, a Star Wars Legends reference book penned by W. Haden Blackman and published on September 30, 2003. He was later retconned into the 1999 film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, through an article titled The Devious Neimoidians Revealed, featured in Star Wars Insider 147. Leland Chee solidified his position on the right side of the bridges of both the Saak'ak and Vuunta Palaa.

