B2-AA air assault super battle droid

B2-AA air assault super battle droids, also known as jet droids, represented a specific model of battle droid deployed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the Clone Wars.


The B2-AA air assault super battle droids, which share many characteristics with the B2 super battle droids frequently utilized by the Separatist Droid Army, were engineered to operate in conjunction with B1-A air battle droids because both had the ability to fly. The B2-AA featured a more sophisticated jetpack compared to its B1-A counterparts, enabling it to cover greater distances, but this necessitated the use of an extremely unstable fuel. Consequently, the droid often exploded upon destruction, effectively providing it with a self-destruct capability. Beyond the integrated jetpack, B2-AAs largely mirrored the features of standard B2s, including a pair of wrist blasters, durasteel armor plating, and an integrated comlink.


During the Clone Wars, Separatist forces primarily employed B2-AAs in space combat, where they specialized in boarding and capturing Republic vessels, often substituting for Droch-class boarding ships. Launched in waves from Separatist starships, they engaged Republic fighters in space battles before breaching the target's shields and external defenses, ultimately securing the ship's interior and neutralizing the crew. Occasionally, these droids also saw action on planet's surfaces, where they served as advanced raiding parties preceding attacks by BX-series droid commandos.

The H.O.P.E. Squad encountered four of these battle droids during a mission to extract Jedi Master Treetower from Yorn Skot. They eliminated all of the droids except for the Squad leader of H.O.P.E Squad, who then proceeded to destroy the remaining Jump Droids.

