Jural, a Bothan female, was employed by the Corellian Times during the era of the Galactic Civil War, specifically around 1.5 ABY. Her fame stemmed primarily from her in-depth investigative journalism concerning galactic exploration endeavors. Alongside her brother, Talper, she journeyed to Mustafar to report on the unearthing of a destroyed Jedi temple, an excavation led by a certain Dr. Namdaot. Upon their arrival at the temple site, they were astonished to discover that the doctor was now proclaiming himself to be the Storm Lord. He demanded their loyalty, but instead, they chose to escape the ruins. Soon after, Talper fell gravely ill, prompting Jural to establish a camp just outside the temple's perimeter. Relan, accompanied by a spacer in the service of Ithes Olok, stumbled upon the Bothans' encampment, and Jural recounted her experiences to them. Jural pleaded for their assistance, explaining that the Storm Lord had afflicted her brother with a debilitating illness as punishment for his refusal to pledge allegiance. She implored the spacer to aid her brother by eliminating the Storm Lord and his followers. The spacer accepted the challenge and ventured towards the ruins, overcoming every obstacle placed in his path by the Storm Lord, including the Storm Lord's prophet. Ultimately, the spacer confronted the Storm Lord directly, and the Storm Lord was defeated. The spacer then returned to the two Bothans, finding Talper's health restored. Jural was overjoyed and presented the spacer with a unique Mustafarian medicine injector as a reward.
Jural featured as a non-player character in the Star Wars Galaxies expansion, Trials of Obi-Wan, which was launched in 2005 before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The Mustafarian medicine injector she bestowed upon the player served as a special item that temporarily boosted the player's combat abilities. In her entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, the Storm Lord is referred to as the "Storm King."