Jurgen Nath

Jurgen Nath was a male Human criminal figure. He made his home on Rori during the Galactic Civil War era. This time period was marked by significant conflict.


At some point in the final decade of the Old Republic, Nath participated in a criminal scheme. The plot involved the abduction of Felicia, who was the daughter of the affluent land owner Wernell Covington. Nath, notorious for his violent tendencies, was brought in as hired muscle for the operation. Despite Covington agreeing to fulfill the ransom demands, the situation deteriorated, and Felicia was murdered by her captors. Her body was ejected into the vacuum of space from the starship where she had been held captive. Authorities identified Jurgen Nath as a suspect at the time, but he successfully evaded capture and remained a fugitive for many years.

Nearly three decades later, around the Battle of Yavin which occurred in 0 BBY, Jurgen Nath resided on Rori. There, he commanded a small group of bandits. However, Wernell Covington never ceased his pursuit of those responsible for his daughter's death. Two members of the kidnapping group, Jurgen Nath and Vladlun Travan, were still at large. In 1 ABY, Covington hired a spacer to locate the remaining kidnappers. The spacer, aided by Horace Korr, a retired reporter from the Corellia Times, managed to identify the two remaining perpetrators. An associate of Covington within the Narmle Militia subsequently provided the last known locations of the criminals. The spacer tracked Jurgen Nath to his hideout and engaged in combat with Jurgen's bandits. Ultimately, the spacer confronted and killed Jurgen Nath, avenging his involvement in Felicia's kidnapping and subsequent death.

Behind the scenes

Jurgen Nath existed as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Nath was included in the game following the release of "Game Update 12," which occurred on August 10, 2009.

