Horace Korr was a reporter of the Human male variety. He lived both before and during the Galactic Civil War time period.
As a reporter, Horace Korr was employed by the Corellia Times on the planet of Corellia during the final decade of the Old Republic. Sometime in that period, Korr journeyed to Rori, a moon of Naboo, to report on the investigation into the abduction and murder of [Felicia](/article/felicia], the daughter of Wernell Covington.
Almost thirty years afterwards, around the Battle of Yavin which occurred in 0 BBY, Horace Korr had retired and was living in Narmle, a city located on Rori. In 1 ABY, Wernell Covington, seeking vengeance for his daughter's death, contacted him. Although Covington knew that two of the kidnappers had evaded justice for decades, he did not know who they were. Despite not fully condoning Covington's violent desire for revenge, the reporter agreed to assist the old man. Consequently, Horace Korr began collaborating with a spacer hired by Covington. The reporter initially instructed the spacer to visit the Corellia Times News archive in Coronet, situated on Corellia. Korr then instructed the spacer to locate his original notes regarding the crime within an old warehouse near the Narmle Starport that had been taken over by criminals. Using this information, Horace Korr successfully identified the remaining kidnappers who had escaped justice: Jurgen Nath and Vladlun Travan. Ultimately, the spacer was responsible for killing them both.
Horace Korr featured as a non-player character within the 2003 video game titled Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. The character of Horace Korr was integrated into the game with the release of "Game Update 12," which occurred on August 10, 2009.