Jyn Obah

Jyn Obah, a Schiav space pirate, held the position of first mate under Captain Gir Kybo Ren-Cha in the early years of the Galactic Civil War.


Jyn's service included being aboard the Dianoga, Kybo's personal attack ship, and the Demolisher, his capital destroyer. When the crew wasn't traversing space in search of worlds to pillage, they sought refuge at their clandestine base situated on the oceans of Tarnoonga.

On one occasion, Jessica Meade, a freighter pilot, was abducted by Captain Kybo. He detained her in his ready room on Tarnoonga, but she managed to escape and encountered Jyn Obah. Jyn attempted to apprehend her, but Jessica slipped away and headed back to her freighter. Jyn pursued her, trying to intercept her before she could board the ship. Jessica thwarted Jyn's efforts by sandwiching him between the blast doors of her vessel. After incapacitating him, she released him and departed from Tarnoonga.

Later, Jyn found out that Captain Kybo had been taken into custody by King Mon Julpa of Tammuz-an and was being held at the royal palace. He infiltrated the planet and liberated Kybo from his cell. They temporarily evaded capture by disguising themselves as Tammuz-an natives. However, soldiers under the command of Mon Julpa and Lord Malameu Toda eventually uncovered their scheme and pursued them. Jyn Obah was captured, but Captain Kybo managed to escape.

Physical appearance

Jyn Obah was a sizable alien of indeterminate origin. His features included tan skin, long brown hair, and two fangs that jutted upward from his lower jaw. He was clad in ill-fitting stormtrooper armor. He also wore a black body glove that was noticeably too small. His most striking feature was a large hoop nose-ring that pierced both nostrils.

Behind the scenes

Dan Hennessey provided his voice.

