
Kajidier designated a Hutt family group originating from Nal Hutta.


Being one of the Clans of the Ancients, Kajidier was among the foremost Hutt kajidics that could demonstrate their lineage tracing back to the ancient Hutt homeworld Varl, thus earning them a position with voting rights on the Hutt Grand Council. This clan primarily operated from the planet Nal Hutta and additionally exerted power across the planets Gamorr, Nar Shaddaa, Saqqar, Syvris, and Ulmatra.

The Kajidier clan fulfilled a significant function within Hutt civilization by enlisting Gamorreans hailing from Gamorr to function as security personnel for the various Hutt clans. Among the illicit enterprises the clan pursued were slavery, thievery, gambling, smuggling and the exchange of spice. The clan also ran several legitimate commercial enterprises concerning bodyguard and mercenary acquisition, consumables, and droids.


Despite its status as one of the old Hutt clans, Kajidier seldom occupied a place of prominence within Hutt civilization. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the clan was under the leadership of the Hutt named Jelpel.

