Kalaanite resistance members are pictured here with a seized AT-ST.
The Kalaanite resistance refers to an organized group of Kalaanites who were actively engaged in combat against the forces of the Galactic Empire. Prior to the Battle of Kalaan, Kalaan was aligned with the Rebel Alliance. During this battle, the Imperial forces successfully drove the Alliance off the planet and inflicted significant damage by destroying Kalaan City. Despite this setback, the Kalaanite resistance persisted in their efforts to strike at Imperial forces. The Empire's response involved extensive devastation of Kalaan, resulting in complete deforestation. The majority of the resistance fighters were composed of lightly armed infantry employing guerrilla warfare tactics, although there were also elements of more heavily armed infantry. Furthermore, the Kalaanites demonstrated their resourcefulness by capturing several AT-STs, effectively repurposing them for use against the Empire. In 3 ABY, a number of resistance fighters assisted Brenn Tantor in his defection, providing crucial support to him and Luke Skywalker as they traversed Kalaan's terrain to reach Tyr Taskeen's Rebel base, which was undergoing evacuation at the time.