Kalibar Droosh

Kalibar Droosh, a male [Bothan](/article/bothan/legends] from the planet of Coruscant, was a police officer serving within the ranks of the Coruscant Police. By the year 18 BBY, Droosh had risen to the rank of lieutenant, operating under the command of Prefect Pol Haus in the Zi-Kree Sector. Unbeknownst to his colleagues, Droosh was secretly spying on Haus, providing information to the Imperial Security Bureau. During a confrontation with Haus, Droosh met his death at the hands of Whiplash freedom fighter Tuden Sal.


Kalibar Droosh, a male Bothan, made his home on the planet of Coruscant, where he dedicated himself to serving as a police officer within the Coruscant Security Force. Over time, Droosh climbed the ranks to become a lieutenant and was subsequently stationed in the Zi-Kree Sector. While working there, Droosh chose to become a secret informant, spying for the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB). His targets included his fellow officers, notably his superior, Prefect Pol Haus, with the goal of uncovering any anti-Imperial activities.

In the year 18 BBY, Droosh accompanied Prefect Haus and a Special Weapons Team led by Sergeant Amry on what was presented as a raid on a criminal hideout located inside a maglev train. However, Droosh and the other officers were unaware that the "raid" was merely a smokescreen orchestrated by Haus to thwart Whiplash freedom fighter Tuden Sal's plans. When the expected maglev train failed to materialize, Haus instructed Droosh and his team to search the tunnel. They discovered a single train car, but as the officers approached, it exploded, injuring several and knocking Droosh to the ground. Realizing his plan had failed, Haus left Droosh in charge of the scene and went to locate Sal. Droosh, however, followed Haus and arrived at the maglev train that served as Whiplash's headquarters just in time to overhear Haus and Sal arguing about the future of Whiplash's plans. Droosh confronted them, revealing his allegiance to the ISB and his intention to eliminate them before reporting them to his ISB superiors. Angered but resigned, Haus prepared to surrender. However, Sal fired his blaster at Droosh at the precise moment Droosh opened fire, resulting in their mutual death.

Personality and traits

Despite his apparent competence as an officer, evidenced by his lieutenant rank, Droosh possessed little genuine loyalty to the Coruscant Police, his fellow officers, or even the Empire itself. Instead, Droosh's dedication to his superiors at the ISB was driven solely by the potential rewards, both politically and in credits, that he believed he could gain.

Behind the scenes

Kalibar Droosh made his initial appearance in The Last Jedi, a novel penned by Michael Reaves and Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff which was published on February 26, 2013.

