
Kallaarac was a male Wookiee who held the position of chieftain for the Myyydril tribe. This tribe consisted of individuals residing within the Myyydril Caverns, located in the Kkowir Forest on the planet Kashyyyk. Following the Battle of Yavin during the Galactic Civil War, a spacer arrived at the tribe's location, aiming to assist with their difficulties and earn their acceptance. Kallaarac directed the visitor to seek out and aid the members of his tribe within the caverns. After the spacer had gained the trust of the tribe, they returned to Kallaarac. The chieftain then tasked the outsider with eliminating an infestation of Urnsor'is spiders within the caverns. To achieve this, Kallaarac gave the spacer multiple objectives, culminating in the extermination of the infestation's source, a formidable Urnsor'is known as the Mother Queen. Upon the visitor's victorious return to Kallaarac, the chieftain was overjoyed and rewarded the spacer for their accomplishment.


Kallaarac, a male Wookiee, belonged to the Myyydril, a tribe of various species inhabiting the Myyydril Caverns within the Kkowir Forest on the planet Kashyyyk. The Urnsor'is, a dangerous parasitic spider species that infested the caverns, had long been a source of attacks and disease for Kallaarac and the Myyydril tribe. In the years preceding the Clone Wars, he found that Nak'tra crystals were effective in combating the Urnsor'is parasites. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, he achieved the title of chieftain of his village. After suffering an injury from an Urnsor'is attack, Kallaarac replaced his entire left arm with a cybernetic replacement.

Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, a spacer seeking to aid them visited Kallaarac and the Myydril tribe. Initially doubtful of the outsider's intentions, Kallaarac engaged in conversation with the visitor. However, the Wookiee chieftain decided to allow the sentient to prove their friendly intentions. The chief instructed the spacer to seek out the individuals of his tribe within the caverns and provide assistance, stating that this action would demonstrate the stranger's trustworthiness. During this time, the spacer assisted the Twi'lek Tala'oree by reducing the population of uwari beetles near the caverns' entrance, helped the Human Kirrir in collecting warrl leaves for her Warrl Surprise drink, and recovered the Wookiee Nawika's jewelry box from the depths of the cave.

After completing these tasks, the spacer returned to Kallaarac, questioning whether their actions had earned the tribe's and the chieftain's trust. Kallaarac confirmed that the outsider had indeed proven their worth and declared them a member of the tribe. The Wookiee further entrusted the newcomer with a genuine test of loyalty and nobility: the complete eradication of the Urnsor'is infestation within the caverns. Initially, the chieftain tasked the spacer with reducing the Urnsor'is population by eliminating fifteen of the creatures that had gathered near the tribe's settlement. The visitor returned victorious, and Kallaarac presented another mission: to attack the Urnsor'is nests, gather twenty of their eggs, and bring them back, a task that the spacer successfully accomplished. Kallaarac's final move against the Urnsor'is was to dispatch the newcomer to destroy the infestation's source, the fearsome Mother Queen. Following a battle with the queen and her guards, the spacer ultimately defeated the beast and returned to Kallaarac as a hero. The grateful chieftain rewarded the spacer with 7,000 credits and a unique, one-handed sword known as the Urnsor'is SoulLeecher.

Personality and traits

Kallaarac held a deep concern for his people, prioritizing the needs of the Myyydril tribe over his own. He displayed reluctance in seeking assistance from individuals in whom he lacked confidence or who did not have the tribe's trust. Kallaarac's people held him in high regard, considering him a remarkable leader and a noble individual. He possessed dark brown fur and, like the majority of his species, exclusively communicated in the Shyriiwook language.

Behind the scenes

Kallaarac is a non-player character featured in Rage of the Wookiees, the 2005 expansion for Star Wars Galaxies developed by Sony Online Entertainment. He is an essential component of the "Myyydril Trust" quest line within the game. While completing these quests is optional, this article assumes complete game completion.

