Kashi VanDeef

Kashi VanDeef was a female Human residing on Tatooine throughout the Galactic Civil War era. Some time following the Battle of Yavin, criminals from the White Thranta Shipping Company kidnapped her spouse, Pilar VanDeef. Kashi sought assistance from a spacer to save her husband, but Pilar was murdered.

Behind the scenes

Kashi VanDeef is present within the directory structure of files for the video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided from 2003, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. These files indicate that Kashi would have provided players with a mission during the Mos Eisley segment of the "Legacy Quest," as part of the 2005 "New Game Enhancements." However, there's no record of Kashi VanDeef appearing as a functional non-player character on the game's active servers. Regardless, an emulated image extracted from this character's Interchange File Format shows her potential appearance had she been incorporated into the game.

