Keikana Herot

Keikana Herot was a female Human who served House of Organa during the era of the Cold War. Her assignment was at Wardpost Duvaal, situated within the Alsakan Lowlands region of Alderaan.


Herot's background was in scientific research. She was conscripted into the service of House Organa's military forces with the designation "Science Commander." Her mission was to identify vulnerabilities in the native Killiks and to determine the methods by which House Ulgo, led by Bouris Ulgo, was manipulating them to launch attacks against Organa forces. She also held the position of regional supervisor for the House Organa garrison, with responsibilities encompassing both research and strategic planning. Herot believed she had earned her position, despite her personal feelings about it.

Wardpost Duvaal's location had once been a staging area for operations against House Ulgo, but the post was preoccupied with the Ulgo-controlled Killiks. A Republic strike force was dispatched into Killik territory to conduct an investigation. Their mission involved capturing a Joiner for the purposes of examination and interrogation; Joiners were prisoners who had been integrated into the Killik hive mind. The interrogation revealed that House Ulgo was abducting Killiks and holding them in a "pain factory," a facility located within a nearby cave system. The torture inflicted upon the Killiks was the cause of their swarming attacks against House Organa.

After the strike team successfully neutralized the Ulgo forces at the pain factory, they made contact with Herot. She expressed her view of the Killiks as being little more than semi-sentient creatures. She expressed a desire to recover the data and equipment from the facility to replicate the torture experiments. Her goal was to turn the experiments against House Ulgo, or at the very least, to extract combat routines from the Ulgo torture droids for integration into House Organa's defensive strategies against the Killiks. When the strike team refused to comply with her request, she accused them of selfishness, but later extended an offer to put aside their disagreements.

Regardless, Duke Charle Remmot Organa eventually learned of Herot's intentions to replicate the experiments. He determined that her plans were not aligned with the objectives of House Organa, and that her actions demonstrated her unsuitability for her current role. Consequently, he ordered her reassignment.

